All BAKING for the Christmas Concert bake sale is due TODAY! If you brought yours in, please bring them to the table outside the school office.
Our Christmas Food Drive ends TOMORROW! Bring in any last-minute items and put them in the big box outside the office. We are looking forward to blessing the Gateway East Food Bank just in time for Christmas.
A reminder that we have early dismissals TODAY and TOMORROW!
Today is CONCERT DAY! We will have a short rehearsal today at 9:25 in the gym (not the full musical). Rest your voices for tonight. Doors open this evening at 6:15 pm. Students, you must be in your classrooms by 6:30 pm.
There will be a quick meeting for the Grade 7|8 boys basketball team at first recess TODAY in the gym.
The PE lost and found bin is almost full. If you are missing something please come and check the bin before the Christmas break!